
Friday, April 8, 2011

Beautiful Postcard

This past week I received a surprise in the mail! It came wrapped in a pretty bright pink envelope....hummm....from my friend Linda in Kentucky!

I opened it to find nestled in tissue paper a beautiful hand made postcard...from silk with very special embroidery and trimmings.

Now if you know Linda she is very adept with a needle and knows how to embellish her projects with a fine and delicate touch...just lovely!

Linda was in Denver visiting fairly recently and brought a project that she was about to start...the kit was so well put together with a wonderful palette of colors! She shared her finished project in her facebook photos and I did drool over this sewing kit!

Linda told me she did enjoy this kit and learned some new techniques...which speaks highly of the project for a veteran embroiderer as Linda.
For more of these exquisite projects visit Colour Streams from Australia.