
Friday, May 13, 2011

AFIC part dos-2

As I have been cropping and adjusting these photos from AFIC, they all bring back such great memories, which I would love to show you in more detail. There are so many, from so many different events! And of course it comes down to in this posting I would love to share my two classes from AFIC...but fear not- I will have more photos and close-ups in my next ROotie E-News- out the end of this month!

Santos Maria- Cage Skirt Doll
2 day Class

My twelve girls- they were fantastic! 
We laughed and had such a good time!

The doll torsos...just about compete.

 All the cages in a row 
and painted!
some of the beautiful dolls

Techniques learned in Santos Maria: overlay of a face form, painting and shading features, assembling and painting the cage, Body construction with armature and jointing, costuming with weaving of fabric, skirt construction...and so much more!

The Madonna
1 day Class

Again- what a great group of students, 
we had so much fun together! 

Some of the the dolls