
Friday, May 6, 2011

AFIC part uno-1

Just returned from the AFIC Doll Conference in OH...I am still catching my breathe and reeling from the joy!

I find this conference to be so well run and inspirational, thanks to Cyndy Seiving...she is a genius at these kind of things and if you know me and my thing about being organized- she is indeed of like mind and can I admit...maybe even just a touch more so than me!?!?

A small glitch happened in the first day because of the hotel (totally understandable) so I was a little in the "yikes" because of my class room being used until 4pm that afternoon, so my set up was delayed...and of course I like to have things arranged and ready to go asap! So my dear friend Dorice saw that I was starting to pace the floor like a wild cat...and rushed me off for an emergency pedicure...thank goodness for friends like Dorice...
So after we returned (and I was much more in the zen, especially since my toes match my outfit for the banquert) And with Dorice's help, we set up my teacher's table and classroom into tidy order and went to get ready for the evening! I was excited to see my students- my friends...

Now at this banquet you must, yes must have a hat...some even went as far as to create an outfit..Miss Judy Skeel in SteamPunk...

Here are photos of more hats ( or in my case- crown)...
if you could see would notice my toes did indeed match!
 my friend Dorice laughing!
She came from CA



and yes, prizes were given to the most creative hats!

Next, on our agenda was a challenge to make a doll from one of those muslin rag dolls. At each table was a teacher who was now the CEO, her/his duty was to assign the rest to certain tasks but only though instruction- and NOT touch the doll! Of course it was timed...

Here is our table's creation- a little bear...with his two friends! We were very proud of our little creation!

Dot Lewellen was our master story teller. She did a fabulous job of our "old" but not forgotten Steiff Teddy Bear! Notice the button in his ear...
All the specially created dolls were then sent to new homes with children in need!
So ends our first evening of AFIC...we all bow to the Queen- Cyndy...
The next few days brought the classes and many more actitivites.
 Next week I will share my class' creations with you!