
Friday, September 30, 2011


Circles... I have always loved circles... the continuous shape but always Open to more possibilities.
cir·cle  audio  (sûrkl) KEY

  1. A group of people sharing an interest, activity, or achievement: well-known in artistic circles.
  2. A circular course, circuit, or orbit: a satellite's circle around the earth.
  3. A sphere of influence or interest; domain.

Off to lunch with Kathy...from ROotie...down Pearl Street...was just talking out loud...what should I talk about in my blog this week?? Ohh look at these round berries!!...took a photo...

We decided to got to the Black Pearl for a bite (ok -really it was the truffle fries!)

Inside after a yummy lunch...humm what are those things??? Railroad wheel molds...took a photo...

hummm...starting to see a theme developing here- you???
Walking back to the studiOs...doggy bowl

 sidewalk art...self made from planters!

pOpped into the Ruffly Rose

Bought a really cute vintage aqua vase for ROotie...

back to ROotie...


        4. a complete or recurring series, usually ending as it began; cycle; ...period.