
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Goldfish : Reimagined : Part One ~ Color

The Goldfish was my first creation in my Story Hat Series.
And as I write this, I realize in this very moment,  that what other piece could I start my new series with besides the Goldfish.

We as artists, can put pressures on ourselves to create the "new"...especially this artist! I expect the unexpected and revolutionary from myself. And so each time I create a piece be it a one of a kind or for a workshop, I expect to create something new...Break the Mold.

So, on the well chosen path, I expected the same from myself in creating this new series.
I set out and purchased new fabrics...even with all my well-cherished fabrics I have in my studio...

This is what I purchased:
A copper silk, a two directional sequined fabric, and a metal organza.
This all took time, since I was able to purchase the sequin in person but had to mail order the rest...because of course, I didn't have the "right color" silks in my collection.

And there it sat... and it sat... while I worked on the body... there it sat.
I was stymied. It just wasn't speaking to me.

I talked to my (yes-brilliant Husband Sean) and he said "Les, I see this (framed) image everyday and it is your best piece. It is your soul. Go sit and look at it. Study it."

So I sat down, and in a flash...the feeling of what that image says to my heart, my soul is that is *you*.

I felt re-energized. Light. In the Flow.

So, this is what I was after all along...bringing my past work into my present being...
I reached into my beloved treasures of vintage kimono and silks...all to be paired with black silks.

And it was there all along in the Symbolism...

And now the coordination begins...
I so love this part.

As so many of you know my love of the color wheel and then tweaking it out of the ordinary- the guessable.

My most favorite color wheel- The Hiler System. I think that the reason I love this one the most is the color "palette" is off slightly from a traditional color wheel...

Side Note: I use this only as an example- after 30 years of creating and teaching, color has become second nature...AND I take that back!! I believe color has been with me my entire life, color has always been first nature to me. It is just a part of me as my heart beats and in my breath.
So I look at what could be the usual accent color...

So I rewind...bringing in another piece of pleated organza and a piece of hand-dyed silk velvet...

And then the choice comes...

To be in full disclosure...I always start with my palette and as I sew and follow "the guide" of my soul...fabrics may drop out while others appear..

And now the Story begins of what she will become...

Next week : The Body