
Friday, April 13, 2012

Mama's Sewing Box Class #1

She watched and taught the girls that sang at their embroidery
frames while the great silk flowers grew from their needles.  
~Louise Jordan Miln, The Feast of Lanterns
When I think about what is important to me…those little things in life that may go unnoticed but really are so significant …hand-sewing.
I have found that it is good for you…good for your soul. It brings you away from life’s demands and into a peaceful moment to focus on the task at hand…

So when my friend Jeanne brought her Grandmother's Sewing Box in for me to "drool" over that is when it was put onto ROotie's schedule to be recreated! This weekend will will be making the outer box...and not to worry, when this series is complete, it will be available as a pattern for you to create your very own!
original box beautiful box

interior delights!
We are scheduled throughout this year to reproduce this including all the interior goodies! 
Inner Box Dividers, Pincushion, Scissor holder, Spool labels, Small needle packets, Little doll head, Special spool cards, and add our own special touches. I am very excited about this project and cannot wait to see what my girls here at ROotie will create! 

I have put great thought into what I wanted my box to look like..torn between vintage and contemporary.... decided on 40's vintage style...I found this to be a mix of both...
box fabric
liner paper
new and old-lovely together! tuned!

Many of you have been following what my "niece" Frances and I is an update of Frances in her Easter Dress and flower headband that Uncle Mark and I gave to her this year...
Geez- too darling- at least from my loving eyes!

Final Note: Don't forget about the Bunny Pincushion Give-Away!!