
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Full Moon Rabbit: The Costume Part Three


I do take a moment to remind myself who this Full Moon is to be!


So many of us can't wait for this part of the process. It is the colors, the creativity, the textures that hold such allure. We can feel that this is what really creates or expresses the piece.

I would like for a moment for you, dearest Readers, to take a step back.

The Body

It begins with the shape, positioning, and personality of the body. When anyone- yes, anyone -asked for my "opinion/critique" of their work, I always say start with a unique body and then create from there.

In my mind, the body is the life and the costuming brings the punctuation!!
Case in point:
Take note of  the beautiful bodies below- same "costuming" but note how it is each woman's personality, her stance, that bring her to "life'!

photo credit: mediaphotos

Missed Full Moon Rabbit: The Head Part One?
The Body Part Two?
We can take a "relook" at the quote from Banksy...
"A lot of parents will do anything for their kids, except let them be themselves."
As artists, many times, our creations are truly our offspring... they are a part of us, a part of our soul.
So if we expand on this thought...

I believe this is one of the hardest thing for artists to let the piece be who it is meant to be...

My case in point!

Full Moon Costuming Begins..

This was my initial color palette, holding the golden radiance that comes from the moon as well the beige-y neutrality of it.

I had mentioned, that as a usual practice, I will draw a quick sketch to capture the idea to bring it from the ether and connect it to me. I did not do this with this piece. I (in my own mind) knew exactly who she was to be...

Starting with the Moon- the valleys, the hills, the uneven and glorious texture of it drew me to a piece of handmade paper that was graciously gifted to me...I drafted my pattern and cut the shape of the skirt.
I decided that I wanted to add metallic "full moons" to it...
I loved the texture and also the arid (of the moon's environment) sentiment this paper brought.

Placing the finished piece of the Full Moon body, I found quickly that this was not the piece for the incredible paper...

She immediately started to tell me...this is who I am.

Listen! I am...

And so, I re-gather my palette of colors and brought out the bold.
I found this vintage kimono obi piece being very direct in what she wanted...


Using a crepe-like kimono fabric for her pantaloons and adding a sheer piece of silk organza to the cuff- which I later inserted a piece of aqua to complete the color balance.

Take One!

"Working with Vintage Fabrics...and on"

Again, it start with her skirt...same design- different medium from paper to fabric...
And it ALL came into place. No need for the paper overlay- as stated in the video.

How could I possibly cover this fabric shining in all its glory??

I also found it to be one of great synchronicity when the two back sides came together and the orange stripe found its mate.

Now another color was needed..

I found this so soft and delicate aqua...

And so her "true story" starts to appear!


And as I, myself, take this journey - really just along for the ride, I find that the spiritual meaning plays even more importance, as to listening to your own intuition ( which I believe is directly connected to the Divine)  to help find that emotional balance which helps me in turn express my emotions through her- Full Moon Rabbit.

Thank you for following Full Moon's Journey!

Next week- The Hat


questions or comments- 
you may email me