
Monday, April 25, 2022

Full Moon Rabbit: The Reveal! Part Five

I find this world we live in today to be one that pushes all of us towards being "perfect". I believe it has placed so much unnecessary stress on us. Some how we are all affected by this to present our lives (especially on-line) to be the picture perfect life- that we naturally all have the ease to gracefully weave our way to the perfect.
This couldn't be further away from the true human experience!!

And as so with this piece, Full Moon Rabbit. It is in that discomfort that, if we can relax into it, our greatest treasures can be bought to the forefront.

I also believe that if we can realize that we are perfect, we are whole- in this very moment- and that we wish to simply progress forward. 

We can blind ourselves if our only goal is to complete- perfectly. Just this recalibrating of thoughts and feelings can be so helpful and open us up to such great possibilities that we might of missed if only striving for the end result of perfect.

As stated in a previous post, I had such a stalwart hold on what this Full Moon was to be. And as I was able to reposition my determination, she took on a much more delightful least I think so!

The Reveal: Full Moon Rabbit

My intent was to have her walking fully forward and a sense - upward. It is the bravery of reaching forward that we can shine as our brightest...even after being through one or many transitions!

Full Moon Rabbit: 27" tall.
Mixed media: Hand-sculpted clay Head covered in Vintage Kimono 
Body: Vintage Kimono lined with silk/cotton.
Costuming: Vintage Japanese Brocade - Obi.
Hat: Vintage Kimono and Brocade.
Painting in alcohol inks, metallic watercolor and eyes in acrylics.
Wooden box custom by Gary Leitch.

Final thought: Art is about a process, the process of moving forward, then stepping back to reflect, adjusting, and then to once again step forward with more confidence...
kind of like life...don't you think??

Thank you for following 

along on this journey of art!



At this writing this piece is available!
Questions or comments?
Email me here!

Missed Full Moon Rabbit: 
The Head Part One:
The Body Part Two:
The Costume Part Three:
The Hat Part Four: