"One sees clearly only with the Heart.
Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."
The Little PrinceValentine's Day is my favorite Holiday of the year...and why not...it is all about Love!
Love for your husband, for your family, for your friends...even for your little black cat!
Love can be shown by the simplest of things. Smiling at a stranger- try it- it works guaranteed they will smile back!
Taking a few seconds longer and holding the door for someone. Sticking a secret Valentine into someones office space...just bringing a little happiness to someone else through love.
The 'Luv Muffin" I made for my husband, Mark, last year. I used some of Issy's fur and felted it together with merino wool to make the fabric from which the kitty is made.
What a great Holiday...oh yes and I definitely cannot let this go with out mentioning- chocolate...what more would you need in a Holiday!
Love is the basis of my blog- to share with you the simple things that bring happiness and love into your life.
Here's a little Valentine History...
The most popular candidate for Saint Valentine was a 3rd century Roman priest. During this time, Emperor Claduis II beleived single men made better soilders and decreed all young men could not marry. St. Valentine realized the injusticed of this and secretly married young lovers.
He was captured and imprisoned, awaiting death. During this time he fell in love with the a young girl, possibly the jailer's daughter. Before his death, he wrote her a love letter and signed it 'From your Valentine'! He was executed on February 14th, 270 A.D.
Although the truth behind the legend is somewhat murky, his story emphasize him as a sympathetic, heroic and most importlanly, a romantic figure. It is no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in France and England!May all of you find and share
the Love of the Holiday!
Happy Valentine's Day!All "Luv Muffins" are $65.oo