Friday, July 17, 2009

Santa Fe International Folk Art Market

Back from Santa Fe and back into work...

...but I would love to take a moment to share with you some of the sights from the Santa Fe Folk Art Market!

There are artist from 40 different countries that show their wares at this show. It was quite the experience and for all the public that attends (over 20,000) it is well run and organized. Although, it was a test in patience for this dollmaker with all the masses, the heat, and the noise...but overall a fun time.

While looking over the scads of photos my husband and I took, there was one thing that really stood out for me- the people...and that is what I would like to share with you.

ok...not that crowd of people...
there are booths in there-somewhere!

but the people who traveled thousands of miles
to bring their hearts and their goods...









Once again if I take a moment and take a breath, and really look beyond the crowd and the noise...

I find that simple beauty in a person's smile that radiates from
their heart and into their shining face and passes into their work!

If you would like to see more in depth photos
of the entire Santa Fe trip than feel free to
sign up for my monthly ROotie E-News!

Next week...the Chinese exhibit at the museum!

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