To me, dollmaking is such a satisfying experience- when I slow down and take the time it becomes meditative or to quote one of my students- zen-like.
I am getting ready for the NIADA conference and making my gallery pieces for the show and sale. It all starts with the head...I love sculpting these faces. I love the feel of the clay and the expressions that seem to already be there- as I work the clay the features just seem to appear...I am in my own world- focused and in the moment.
When creating these heads- repetition can set in- which can run both ways- good and bad- meditative and the same. As I sculpt I remember that each one of these is a individual- from the same pod but an individual pea!
“The eyes are the mirror of the soul”
Yiddish Proverb
Heads covered with chirimen silk and only the eyes painted
Today and tomorrow morning, I will finish up with attaching the heads to the torso and then adding arms and legs. Hopefully, tomorrow afternoon start on the costuming!!
Already formulated in my head, I have my ideas for what these dolls are to become...Story Dolls
..more to come next week!