"...that which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet."
I was asked to show a doll through NIADA in the upcoming Doll Show in St. Petersburg, Russia. I thought about what I wanted to create for some time and came up with a new series called "Le Fleur" or The Flower. With summer coming and flowers blooming so beautifully this year, I found my inspiration to be all around me. Rose...roses are in full bloom right now and as I walk down the street from my studio they are blooming in their full glory...Rose.

Designing can sometimes be challenging, especially when creating a new concept- in a limited amount of time. So I translated the quote into French and printed it along the dress hemline...

I knew I wanted her dress to be in rose colored silks and to have the essence of roses on her hat...
Needless to say I made three dresses, my first dress. I dyed the top to depict the golden center of the flower, it turned out too muddy. My second was too fussy with many many seams and petal hemline- good concept...wrong application.
I needed the dress to be soft and full- like a petal of a rose. I also wanted the doll not to be too sweet and so incorporated the color black into my palette.

After a few 12 hour days, I made my deadline and now...
May I present to you... Le Fleur- Rose.