As I started this project, I had the idea rolling around in my head about a little bear in a shadow box...well, as the creative process took hold and the little bear was created-she just didn't quite fit into the shadow box.
Now, I was presented with the challenge of redesigning the bear or thinking out-side the (shadow) box and letting the bear be what she was...cute and on her own, out in the open in all her precious little glory...that was it and the Friendship Bear was created...
Her box had to be special...specially made for her- with words of Friendship enveloping the box...and of course a heart...Friend
I thought she would be a wonderful present to make and give to a special friend, you can make her a place her in her little box with a friendship story, a poem, a wee little hand-made card and tie it with a fabulous bow!
through good times and bad my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad, beside me you stand,
beside me you walk, you're there to listen,
you're there to talk, with happiness, with smiles,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!
You Friend.
I just love her- right now she is sitting on top of my worktable- just sweet and happy!
I will be teaching her as a class this coming weekend- there will be more Friendship Bear photos to come in the next ROotie Monthly E-News or contact info. about the pattern.