I created three Story Dolls to take to NIADA, the Dragon (which you have seen in the August 6th post) , the Seahorse, and the Butterfly.
As you know, I love the story behind the Chinese children's hats, I was fortunate enough to add to my collection the book of Stories of Chinese Children's Hats by Phylis Lan Lin. I hold this book very close to my heart because it took many months to locate a (used) copy since it is not longer published but I do cherish it! So when creating my Story Dolls, I take that special feeling and try bring that sentiment to my dolls.
The Dragon Story Doll is a traditional piece, which I love because it has the foundation of what these hats are all about. While the Seahorse and the Butterfly are my creation of what I would make for my child.
I am very fortunate, both of these dolls went to favored collectors who hold some of my other pieces!
The Seahorse
My husband and I both dive and more recently in the last few years, we see (or should I say find after hunting for a bit) Seahorses. They are in grassy and somewhat shallow areas and blend in so beautifully to their surroundings-that is why I choose soft watery colors...
the male carries and delivers the eggs.
So I made a pair- notice the entwined tails!
So I made a pair- notice the entwined tails!
Notice the lining- of copper and blue tone silk

Vest opens to the Story (of the Butterfly)
one side in English the other in Chinese
and no...I do not read and write Chinese-
I had it translated!
Close up
Hat close up
Very close up of embroidered Butterfly
one side in English the other in Chinese
and no...I do not read and write Chinese-
I had it translated!

Close up