Thursday, March 19, 2020

Finding Beauty in the Quiet : Soul Sisters

Between my dolls of Transition...The Cicada and The Bee 

and Transcending to my new line "Ito"...
Image result for red thread

I found I needed to create something more delicate and quiet...

These came into being as The Soul Sisters.


These dolls started with all cloth sewn bodies.

But of course, I could not leave it there- had to add something to alter the "feel" of the piece. I love patina- anything with patina. I believe it gives beautiful soulful layers to art as well as to life!

So into a (loose) tea bath they went...I wanted it to be purposely spotty...

One whole doll and one bust of a doll...being created here.

I love when I am able to be the communication with my pieces I am creating.
That is when I find that they tell me what's next...

Next up was adding another layer using alcohol inks. I love tipped fingers and toes- I mean LOVE..even obsessed with this right now!

These dolls are created to be on a simple black stand with the "symbolism" on the bottom of the base.

Needlesculpting and  painting, the face came next...with embroidered eyebrows.


Sometimes when I have an idea in my head I will do a very very quick sketch...I do not do anymore than this because if I go further, I feel that the idea has been created.

So now onto creating this gown!
These are the fabrics for Blue Lotus...all silk.

Here hat decor is hand-dyed using Japanese papers and Procion natural fiber dyes.
Blue Lotus flower completed...I included some found nature- these lovely sticks that I gathered over winter during my morning walks...tinted with subtle gold.

Onto the kimono style gown!
I machine sew the larger sections and then hand-sew all the pieces together.
I love hand-sewing- that is where my true mindfulness/meditation steps in. Gently focus on the task at hand.

Next is the hair. I used a silk and bamboo blend thin yarn and added a long braid.
Added in tiny detailing to silhouette the shape of the kimono.
Glass and bone beads with linen threads.


SIDE NOTE: Notice the X over the heart- in memory of my Dad...

 Blue Lotus:
Symbol of the human soul, spirituality, and divinity. 

It also forms one of the important elements of 
enlightenment, re-birth, unification, and purity in a mystical way. 
Leslie O’Leary 2019

At this writing Blue Lotus is available

Another PIECE in this series!

Spring Blossoms

Next "Ito" the beginning!

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