Hello Dearest Readers,
As many of you who follow my work know how deeply engaged I am with symbolism (mostly Asian). I find that as I am working these energies or feelings come into my work...I am thoughtful as I create taking the time to really study not only the symbolism but also "real" plant or being...
Enter the Lotus...
Symbolism of the Petals:
"The lotus flower blooms slowly one petal at a time, which is similar to the gradual steps required to reach spiritual enlightenment. In this sense, the lotus is a symbol of personal progress. "
I love this concept...one petal at a time and personal progress. In today's world we are pushed and shoved to our max, if we let it. We are expected (by others and by self) to explode into one magnificent blossom. It is with sheer determination, that I as an artist, slow myself down, take the time to really feel and think my work out so it can reach its highest level. To open as one petal at a time.
This allows my work to be fully formed when it finally emerges. Clarification: I am a producer, I am very type-A, I have an extremely active mind but do not rush through my art- my study of yoga has helped greatly with that.
I find if I rush through a piece (and believe me they are pushing to come into this world) then I will miss what I believe, is one of its greatest attributes.
one petal at a time...
I study the petals to see their color, their texture, their segmented sections, their veins, their shape.
I start with texture.
These are my two final selections: Vintage silk kimono, and Japanese washi paper that has been silk screened with the line design.
The paper is wonderful because there is such a crispness to it.
Process of Petals...
It starts with drawing the petal onto the paper.
The first round of over-dye. I mix my dyes so every piece is unique in color. No two are ever the same.
After this is dry, the second round of "splatter" dye happens.
This is in two colors- the magenta and flecks of brown.
The paper and fabric is then stabilized and fused together.
Each petal is cut out.
The edges are then sealed.
After they dry each petal is steamed into shape!
The final shaping of each!
The petals will be added individually around the Open Heart Corset.
I will also add vintage stamens.
The Leaves
The same approach happens here.
I start with studying the leaves...there are so many different types that I am going for the essence of the leaves...not the replication. I find that in my own art...I love the inspiration I glean from my studies and not doing exact reproduction.
"Learn the rules like a pro,
so you can break them like an artist"
(attributed to Picasso)
I especially like this one because you can see the veins, I thing it is stunning.
Side Note: Perhaps, the reason I find this so beautiful is because it reminds me of (my) life. As we go through life, there are challenges. Some may be life changing, as was in my case, and we find that we let go of things that may not be in our best (soul) interest/growth and I believe, with that our "true" self can emerge- our best being can step forward and becomes more transparent to who we are now.
Process of Leaves...
The paper is selected. In this case a hand-made Mulberry paper.
I chose this one because it reminded me of *IMAGE = PAPER as above.
Next step is in the dyeing.
Again several colors are mixed.
The Leaves are then cut out
Each is topstitched to mimic the veins, along with a center stem area.
Topstitched leaves.
Since this is not an exact replication of leaves and is part of a garment, I decided to pleat them.
I believes, this references the veins while at the same time adding a fabric-like feel to them
"The lotus is also an excellent example of
remaining true to yourself and who you are. Regardless of the murky waters and
environment, the lotus remains grounded, proud of what it is and yet still a
part of its environment.
It beautifies it and makes it better simply by being
Until next time,
Thank you for taking time to follow my journey!