is how I make my living-
how I live my life!
I am grateful that my Mother taught me to sew when I was seven. It seems that the love of fabric has always been apart of every thought- everywhere I go and everything I see, I seem to relate one way or another to fabric or textiles.

For instance, in my blog last week I related French knots to tiny little cherry blossom buds. This spring here in Colorado, has been glorious...we have had tiny buds of many different flowering trees blooming everywhere and the trees are just starting to sprout their first happy spring-green leaves- there are French knots everywhere!!

Color and texture are just a part of my very essence, my soul...I think that it could be interesting to switch brains with say- my husband- for just a bit to see how he views the world. From what I can tell (after 21 years) is his world is very analytical and just could be interesting! I think he would be a great quilter! He is a very good ceramicist and not mention- the mathematical part of his brain-guitar and banjo player.

Is it a gift viewing the world this way?
hummm...maybe not when I am trying to balance my check book!
But it is something for you to think do things you see your everyday and how does it relate to the "fabrics" in your world?

Next week Part 2...