Friday, September 11, 2015

Ladybug Part 2: Organic


  1. Having an organization relating in its complexity to that of living things.
  2. Elements fitting together into a unified, organic whole.
  3. In the creative process, used to describe in such a way that the various parts developed as they were, one from another, free-flowing and from within rather than sticking rigidly to a preconceived plan..
Compare to functional
Linguistics; function concerned with the communicative role of language rather than the framework for its formal structure.

you ask..what does all this mumbo jumbo mean?? And how is she going to relate this to her art??

In today's world, "organic" has so many connotations, mostly with food...but I believe it can also capture the meaning of a soulful inner familiarity or intuitiveness.

If we take some highlights from the above definitions...we can refine it into this:

Working organically in the creative process, where the art develops as free-flowing and from within. In organization with elements fitting together to form a whole. Once together, the role of language is spoken visually.

ok..still maybe a bit too wordy...bottom line is, I tell my students to rely on their own intuition...don't over think it...let it happen and your voice/soul will come out!

Photography: Mark Mortensen

Let's look at Ladybug Charm Girl in the round and then break it down using the elements from above.

Working organically in the creative process, where the art develops as a free-flowing and from within.

I think we as artists, have an intuitive sense of what goes together- if we stop and listen carefully to that whisper.

I believe this is probably one of the hardest things for me to teach to my students. We are so bombarded with outside influences that it is, at best, difficult to remove others thoughts, voices, or styles from our own work.

It is the journey of defining your own voice and then trusting it  and then giving it room to grow that you become your own.

In organization with elements fitting together to form a whole. Once together, the role of language is spoken visually.

Once you have developed your own style the rest will fall into place. Your voice...your path will be your own. You will be able to work intuitively in choosing the right balance of fabric and colors...ok ... yes this does take many years to accomplish this - for me, I believe I have finally hit my stride after 20 some years...where everything now flows into place...were my soul feels at home. The sculpting, the fabric, the colors, the message.

Yes, there are those geniuses out there that it comes much earlier...but this is your creation, your voice...your journey...your heart that you want to share.

So time is what it is...yours.

Next week: Texture

How did this doll come together??
For my Charm Girls, I chose fabrics that are more textured...
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