In this posting...
I am going to discuss what goes on behind the photos and the techniques in creating a piece of art.
What inspires or what pushes us to create.
This posting is all about thoughts.
I feel that art can be and is more than technique. For me it has become my life's work or better yet my devotion even perhaps my sacrifice.
A spiritual quest.
I strongly believe that is why I am here on this planet create, to share, to teach Art- yes- with a capital "A".
And so what happened?
And the point was made even clearer when I went so far as to take a full time job in an office, that I lasted (barely) one week...came back to my studio and can't tell you the sense of relief I found...I found my breath...I folded my hands in front of me in sheer gratitude for the experience.
Create art.
So I came home to my beloved studio and abruptly realized that if I spent a concentrated 60 hours a week in my studio creating; something would have to happen (monetarily).
Don't be fooled Art is not like that. I was already spending that much time in my studio because I love what I do. I realized that what I just needed was a kick in the rear to get my art out there!
I had ideas that have been in my head and now was time to take action.
Creating Art does not happen when you "feel" like it, not if it is going to be your livelihood.
I am so on this...I said to myself.
I have had "Of Heaven and Earth" written on my white board for many months.
So what was stopping me?
One a whole, I am not one of those artists that procrastinates or runs to the limit of deadlines. I am organized and I am driven.
For me, it is not about being inspired or having the technique.
It was more about "finding" other things that were easier to do...or to start.
Maybe it WAS because of fear.
But this was no longer an option. I was in the midst of changing my style and was hesitant because of the Fear of "perfection" of it.
It takes many years of devotion to create and establish your own signature style and here I was having accomplished that, now, throwing that by the wayside and stepping fully into the unknown.
As an artist, your livelihood is dependent on connecting with others. For the collector it is not a life or death necessity. For the artist, on the other hand, it is. And there is the paradox!
Trust Your Own Power
And that, my friends, is just what I did. And, I got on it!
I sat down the very next morning(s) and sculpted a new rabbit head.
And I did just what I "preach"...let it guide you...I believed in myself and followed. Keeping it slow and steady. Taking the time to connect and breathe.
And now a couple months later, I have created two of my best pieces, one as a One of a Kind and the other as a really exciting new Online Workshop.
And my beloved Bee: The Gift found her resting place in a new home.
New Moon Rabbit - OOAK
Alice - Online Class
Bee: The Gift OOAK
My newest piece that I will be discussing next is
Goldfish OOAK
So my dearest ones, we continue with our life journey doing the best we can to grow and find our greatest potential....
Until next week!