Next on our Season Series is Winter...
Photography: Mark Mortensen
Hand-made wood stools: Gary Leitch
This doll is held in a private collection
~ Snow Flower
Xuěhuā life everything is cyclical...everything has a season...everything changes. As my dear Dad said "Nothing is permanent except for change"...When one was about to give up hope that the cold winter would never end, an angel spirit appeared, transformed some of the snowflakes into snowdrop flowers, proving that winter eventually gives way to spring.This simple little flower is a symbol of transformation, hope, purity and consolation.
In our own lives, we may be in the midst of a coldness and even perhaps some darkness, but as time wears on a light will appear within the darkness...a beauty that brings forth hope and a calmness in knowing that nothing is permanent. I found the more I reached for that beauty, the more I found balance in life. Hope does not come natural to us humans, we must practice at it.
Full View:
I found that as I am making a doll, it takes on a life of its own. I have stated many times that the doll is already "made" that I am the vehicle in which it appears on this earth...I reach upwards and it comes out through my hand's work...ok sometimes I get an eye role or two, but after so many years of creating things, I realize that that statement is so very artist we must let the piece takes on its own life and be "born" as it is designed to be...Snowflower naturally seated into this position of movement...transformation. I think that is
Up close:
Fabric choices were silks...crepe silk for body lined with cotton batiste. Face is sculpted in stoneclay with an overlay of the silk crepe. Hat is silk brocade with rabbit.
Hair is blend of mohair and silk.
Jacket is silk brocade purchased in China with collar trim of silk brocade and rabbit.

Closer still:
Face with hand-painted eyes, fine line marker,
chalks, and silk embroidered brows

very close up on eye...the two pairs of readers I wear pays off...
Front and center snowflake from
hand-painted metal pieces and vintage pearl.
Snowflake of metal with vintage pearl.
Vintage cording sewn around edging of hat.
Tiny pearl buttons
sleeve of vintage kimono-
only enough to mirror pattern design in each sleeve!
Rabbit trim and
tiny hands armatured with copper wire.

snow boots from silk brocade lined with grey dupioni
as are silk brocade pants. Soles of same grey fabric.
Final Thought: